If you have to raise your voice to hear someone 1 meter away when having a conversation then the noise levels are likely to be excessive then it is recommended that a preliminary noise survey be conducted by a competent person
The aim of the preliminary noise assessment is to document sources of noise in the workplace, determine the nominal noise levels and anticipate the number of workers affected.
The factors related to the emissions as to whether the noise is related to a particular machine or task and how different operation conditions may influence the noise emission. For instance there may be certain time during a machines task that contributes to high noise emissions. Machines that may contribute significant to noise exposure include:
- Compressors;
- Fans;
- Pumps;
- Hydraulics
- Pneumatics
- Conveyor belts
- Vibrating surfaces
- Warning tones from forklifts and cranes
- Impact sounds and explosion
- Cutting, drilling, grinding and sawing
Other significant factors include the surrounding materials as to whether noise being reflected may increase the noise exposure by 9 dBa from someone working on a machine the corner of a workshop. The identification of the path which the sound takes should be identified, being through air or transmitted through structures and description as to whether it is constant, intermittent or impact.
For more information on identification & management please contact one of Safe Environments Occupational Hygienists or Noise Consultants
Be absolutely assured. Safe Environments is NATA accredited for Noise testing

Ensure a Safe Environment
For more information on noise testing or management please contact one of Safe Environments Occupational Hygienists or Noise Consultants located in the following Australian cities:
Melbourne & Victoria
Unit 25, 1 Millers Rd Brooklyn VIC 3012 Australia
NSW - Sydney, Newcastle & Wollongong
Unit 4, 40 Bessemer Street, Blacktown NSW 2148