A preliminary noise survey conducted in line with AS/NZS 1269.1:2005 Occupational noise management – Measurement and assessment of noise emission and exposure includes:
- Measuring sound pressure levels at workstations and/or tasks undertaken during normal operation of the machinery;
- Evaluating the sound levels with State Workplace Health and Safety Regulations and AS 1269 Occupational Noise Management.
A preliminary noise survey or walkthrough audit is first recommended if a noise survey has not been carried out, or the previous noise survey is greater than five (5) years. The purpose of a preliminary noise survey is to document the noise sources within the workplace, determine whether the workplace is considered to be noisy and obtain information to plan for a detailed noise assessment.
The meaurement of noise during a preliminary noise survey can be conducted with a Type 1 or Type 2 integrating Sound Level Meter (SLM). An excessive noisy workplace is generally considered to be 80 dBa for the purpose of further undertaking a detailed noise assessment. If any area measures noise levels greater than 80 dBa then this preliminary survey cannot be used to indicate that the workplace complies with State Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.
For more information on noise surveys please contact one of Safe Environments Occupational Hygienists or Noise Consultants
Be absolutely assured. Safe Environments is NATA accredited for Noise testing

Ensure a Safe Environment
For more information on noise testing or management please contact one of Safe Environments Occupational Hygienists or Noise Consultants located in the following Australian cities:
Melbourne & Victoria
Unit 25, 1 Millers Rd Brooklyn VIC 3012 Australia
NSW - Sydney, Newcastle & Wollongong
Unit 4, 40 Bessemer Street, Blacktown NSW 2148