The NSW WHS regulations require that audiometric testing be conducted once every two years if workers are exposed to noise level above the workplace standards of 85 dB(A) averaged over an 8 hr working day shift. When hearing protection is required in order to manage these noise levels then audiometric testing is required to ensure that the hearing of employees within the workplace are not being affected.
When hearing protection is required in order to manage these noise levels then audiometric testing is required to ensure that the hearing of employees within the workplace are not being affected.
Based in Sydney, Safe Environments provide onsite audiometric testing with mobile units that meet the requirements of AS 1269.4 Occupational Noise Management Part 4 Audiometric Testing.
We come onsite to your workplace with our mobile testing units
Our mobile audiometric testing units that come to your site within Sydney or NSW provides a fuss free testing program over all shifts to ensure that no one misses out on these all important hearing health checks. If you have your own audiometric testing booth, we can use yours and also our mobile unit onsite with our trained audiometric technicians and occupational hygienists to speed up the process and reduce the down time at your workplace.
Audiometric Test Results
The audiometric test results conducted onsite should be provided to the employees under the NSW WHS regulations. The audiograms provided during the reference or baseline audiometric testing and monitoring audiograms are important part of noise awareness to empower employees in looking after their own health and safety.

Not just Audiometric Testing – We are Occupational Hygiene Specialists
As well as our mobile onsite audiometric testing services, our companies capability includes noise surveys, contour mapping and provide dosimetry measurements to characterise noise with the workplace. Our company can provide onsite hearing protection programs and provide awareness training to ensure that your employees are protected against Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).
Call our Sydney office today to find our more about our mobile audiometric testing services to come onsite to your workplace throughout NSW.
Ensure a Safe Environment
For more information on noise testing or management please contact one of Safe Environments Occupational Hygienists or Noise Consultants located in the following Australian cities:
Melbourne & Victoria
Unit 25, 1 Millers Rd Brooklyn VIC 3012 Australia
NSW - Sydney, Newcastle & Wollongong
Unit 4, 40 Bessemer Street, Blacktown NSW 2148